21st Symposium

Urology Arena

Focus – Urolithiasis

  November 15th, 2024        Kursaal Bern








Sehr geehrte Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer

Es freut uns sehr, Sie über die diesjährige Jubiläumsaustragung der Urology Arena zu informieren! Der Anlass findet im Kursaal Bern statt.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme und darauf Sie begrüssen zu dürfen!

Freundliche Grüsse
Ihr MediCongress Team

Dear participants

It is a great pleasure to inform you about this year’s anniversary edition of the Urology Arena! The event will take place in the Kursaal Bern.

We are looking forward to your participation and to welcoming you!

Kind regards
Your MediCongress Team

Scientific Committee



Prof. Dr. med. Massimo Valerio

Chief Urology
HUG Genève, CH

Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


PD Dr. med. Räto T. Strebel

Chief Urology
Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur, CH



Prof. Dr. med. Michael Müntener

Medical director of the clinic for urology
Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich, CH

PD Dr. med. Ilaria Lucca


Prof. Dr. med. Cédric Poyet

Senior Attending Physician Clinic for Urology
Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich, CH

Our Speakers in 2024

We bring an exciting range of experience to the stage.

Excite and inspire your delegates with the best conference speakers.

Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


Dr. med.
Peter Kronenberg

Consultant Urological Surgeon
Hospital CUF Descobertas, PT-Lisbon

Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


Prof. Dr. med.
Daniel G. Fuster

Chief Physician
University Clinic for Nephrology and Hypertension
Inselspital University Hospital, Bern

Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


PD Dr. med
Etienne Xavier Keller

Consultant urologist, Co-Director of Urology Department
University Hospital, Zurich


Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


La Dr.ssa
Silvia Proietti

Consultant urologist
San Raffaele Hospital, IT-Milano


Prof. Dr. med. Cyrill A. Rentsch


Prof. Dr. med.
Christian G. Chaussy

Director of Urology
LMU DE-Munich and University DE-Regensburg



Prof. Dr. med. Beat Roth


Prof. Dr. med.
Beat Roth

Director of Urology
Inselspital University Hospital, Bern

Prof. Dr. med. Cyrill A. Rentsch


PD Dr. med.
Michael Chaloupka

Senior Physician, Specialist in Urology
LMU University Hospital, DE-Munich

Prof. Dr. med. Cyrill A. Rentsch


Daron Smith

Endoluminal Endourologist
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, GB-London